2011 Home Page


Special Notes


Click "Rules" or "2011 Outing"to go there.

2011 Outing

*** Dues***
Three payments

$30.00 Due by May23
$40.00 Due by June 13
$30.00 Due by July 18
Collected by Faz, the Treasurer

***Special Notice***

The Brookline Golf League will start on
Monday April 25, 2011.

There are two days this year we will be
playing on a Tuesday
Tuesday, May 31 and Tuesday, July 5

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1.Fluff Anywhere.

2.Twenty-four or more league members must complete the front nine holes for the game to be declared an official league night where averages and other stats are calculated into total scores.

3.At the end of the year to calculate the flight winners, only TWO point weeks will
be thrown out.

4.After a player misses three consecutive weeks, his average will be calculated for his team.

5.When a player misses more than six weeks in a year, his average will be calculated
for his team.

6.Due to the conditions of the greens at South Park, when you have to putt over an area
that is unputtable, you can take the closest point off relief no closer to the hole.

7.Averages will be calculated on the ten rounds played. The first ten scores posted for the year will be counter as rounds play.

8.When calculating the points for the team and flight, players with .30 through .70 will be put in as
a .50 to make the calculation more accurate.
Instead of being a whole point it will be calculated to a half point.

9. Example: A 40.50 will be calculated as a 41.00 a 40.40 will calculated as a 40.00.

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The Outing will be held the first Saturday after Labor Day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The name of the grove is
Woodland Crest
Be on the Patio at 8:00 a.m.